Useful links

Some useful links:


Somfy is a manufacturer of engines, remote controls, and automations for rolling shutters cranes, gates, garage doors, awning, indoor window blinds and curtains, alarms or any other automated for individual and corporate products.
Edmond is the SOMFY partner for customers in the fields of Education and training.
site by SOMFY

National education

Official website of national education for the latest online information.
National education

The educational site of the Ministry of National Education.


The Association that brings together the technical teachers, heads of work of technical, versatile and professional high schools, public and private institutions under contract.
site of APROTECT

Studies and resources for teachers of technical education center

The CERPET had heart of the relationship company education.
Site of the CERPET

National Construction mechanical computer aided resource centre

National operative main purpose is to support and the accompaniment of training in-service teachers in the mechanical sector by mobilizing and making accessible relevant resources, validated and adapted to the updated programmes.

Presentation of the list and the website of the Faculty of mechanical engineering
site of the PGM
